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Terraform reference


Name Version
aws >= 5.0


Name Version
aws >= 5.0


Name Source Version
ca_cloudfront ./modules/terraform-aws-ca-cloudfront n/a
cloudfront_certificate ./modules/terraform-aws-ca-acm n/a
create_issuing_ca_iam ./modules/terraform-aws-ca-iam n/a
create_root_ca_iam ./modules/terraform-aws-ca-iam n/a
create_rsa_issuing_ca_lambda ./modules/terraform-aws-ca-lambda n/a
create_rsa_root_ca_lambda ./modules/terraform-aws-ca-lambda n/a
db-reader-role ./modules/terraform-aws-ca-iam n/a
dynamodb ./modules/terraform-aws-ca-dynamodb n/a
external_s3 ./modules/terraform-aws-ca-s3 n/a
internal_s3 ./modules/terraform-aws-ca-s3 n/a
issuing_crl_iam ./modules/terraform-aws-ca-iam n/a
kms_rsa_issuing_ca ./modules/terraform-aws-ca-kms n/a
kms_rsa_root_ca ./modules/terraform-aws-ca-kms n/a
kms_tls_keygen ./modules/terraform-aws-ca-kms n/a
root_crl_iam ./modules/terraform-aws-ca-iam n/a
rsa_issuing_ca_crl_lambda ./modules/terraform-aws-ca-lambda n/a
rsa_root_ca_crl_lambda ./modules/terraform-aws-ca-lambda n/a
rsa_tls_cert_lambda ./modules/terraform-aws-ca-lambda n/a
scheduler ./modules/terraform-aws-ca-scheduler n/a
scheduler-role ./modules/terraform-aws-ca-iam n/a
sns_ca_notifications ./modules/terraform-aws-ca-sns n/a
step-function ./modules/terraform-aws-ca-step-function n/a
step-function-role ./modules/terraform-aws-ca-iam n/a
tls_keygen_iam ./modules/terraform-aws-ca-iam n/a


Name Type
aws_s3_object.cert_info resource
aws_s3_object.csrs resource


Name Description Type Default Required
access_logs Enable access logs for S3 buckets, requires log_bucket variable to be set bool false no
aws_principals List of ARNs for AWS principals allowed to assume DynamoDB reader role or execute the tls_cert lambda list [] no
bucket_prefix First part of s3 bucket name to ensure uniqueness, if left blank a random suffix will be used instead string "" no
cert_info_files List of file names to be uploaded to internal S3 bucket for processing list [] no
csr_files List of CSR file names to be uploaded to internal S3 bucket for processing list [] no
custom_sns_topic_display_name Customised SNS topic display name, leave empty to use standard naming convention string "" no
custom_sns_topic_name Customised SNS topic name, leave empty to use standard naming convention string "" no
env Environment name, e.g. dev string "dev" no
filter_pattern Filter pattern for CloudWatch logs subscription filter string "" no
hosted_zone_domain Hosted zone domain, e.g. string "" no
hosted_zone_id Hosted zone ID for public zone, e.g. Z0123456XXXXXXXXXXX string "" no
issuing_ca_info Issuing CA certificate information map
"commonName": "Serverless Issuing CA",
"country": "GB",
"emailAddress": null,
"lifetime": 3650,
"locality": "London",
"organization": "Serverless",
"organizationalUnit": "IT",
"pathLengthConstraint": null,
"state": "London"
issuing_ca_key_spec Issuing CA key specification string "ECC_NIST_P256" no
issuing_crl_days Number of days before Issuing CA CRL expires, in addition to seconds. Must be greater than or equal to Step Function interval number 1 no
issuing_crl_seconds Number of seconds before Issuing CA CRL expires, in addition to days. Used for overlap in case of clock skew number 600 no
kms_arn_resource KMS key ARN used for general resource encryption, different from key used for CA key protection string "" no
kms_key_alias KMS key alias for bucket encryption with key rotation disabled, if left at default, TLS key gen KMS key will be used string "" no
log_bucket Name of log bucket, if access_logs variable set to true string "" no
logging_account_id AWS Account ID of central logging account for CloudWatch subscription filters string "" no
max_cert_lifetime Maximum end entity certificate lifetime in days number 365 no
memory_size Standard memory allocation for Lambda functions number 128 no
prod_envs List of production environment names, for these names the environment name suffix is not required in resource names list
project abbreviation for the project, forms first part of resource names string "serverless" no
public_crl Whether to make the CRL and CA certificates publicly available bool false no
root_ca_info Root CA certificate information map
"commonName": "Serverless Root CA",
"country": "GB",
"emailAddress": null,
"lifetime": 7300,
"locality": "London",
"organization": "Serverless",
"organizationalUnit": "IT",
"pathLengthConstraint": null,
"state": "London"
root_ca_key_spec Root CA key specification string "ECC_NIST_P384" no
root_crl_days Number of days before Root CA CRL expires, in addition to seconds. Must be greater than or equal to Step Function interval number 1 no
root_crl_seconds Number of seconds before Root CA CRL expires, in addition to days. Used for overlap in case of clock skew number 600 no
runtime Lambda language runtime string "python3.12" no
s3_aws_principals List of AWS Principals to allow access to external S3 bucket list [] no
schedule_expression Step function schedule in cron format, interval should normally be the same as issuing_crl_days string "cron(15 8 * * ? *)" no
sns_email_subscriptions List of email addresses to subscribe to SNS topic list(string) [] no
sns_lambda_subscriptions A map of lambda names to arns to subscribe to SNS topic map(string) {} no
sns_policy A string containing the SNS policy, if used string "" no
sns_policy_template Name of SNS policy template file, if used string "default" no
sns_sqs_subscriptions A map of SQS names to arns to subscribe to thSNSis topic map(string) {} no
subscription_filter_destination CloudWatch log subscription filter destination, last section of ARN string "" no
timeout Amount of time Lambda Function has to run in seconds number 180 no


Name Description
ca_bundle_s3_location S3 location of CA bundle for use as a TrustStore
cloudfront_domain_name Domain name of CloudFront distribution used for public CRL
external_s3_bucket_name External S3 bucket name
internal_s3_bucket_name Internal S3 bucket name
issuing_ca_cert_s3_location S3 location of Issuing CA certificate file
issuing_ca_crl_s3_location S3 location of Issuing CA CRL file
root_ca_cert_s3_location S3 location of Root CA certificate file
root_ca_crl_s3_location S3 location of Root CA CRL file
sns_topic_arn SNS topic ARN